About Engine Builders Supply
EBS Racing / Engine Builders Supply. With over 20 years in business and 55 years combined Porsche parts experience, EBS Racing has only specialized in Porsche parts exclusively (Porsche 356, 911, 912, 914, 924, 928, 944, 968, Boxster, Cayenne, Cayman, and Panamera.). We also supply tools, machine shop services and can provide expert advice for any Porsche project you may have (repair, restoration, high performance, and Porsche racing projects.) Call us toll-free today: 800-462-3774 with any questions about your Porsche project needs!
Meet the EBS Racing Staff
Don Weaver / Owner, Sales & Porsche Project Consultant
A picture of Don Weaver’s driveway is worth a thousand words regarding his relationship with Porsche cars. On a recent drive-by of Casa Weaver, three Porsches with undoubtedly bright futures were awaiting their turn for rejuvenation in Don’s garage.
Don crossed paths with his first Porsche, a 914, shortly after high school. As you might guess, a recent high school grad does not usually step into a 914. Consequently, Don needed to frequently step into a local shop for parts and service. It didn’t take long until he became a regular and then an employee. Working on cars and running parts eventually led Don into customer service.
In 1998 Don’s depth of Porsche knowledge landed him at EBS Racing. As an extreme Porsche enthusiast, Don understands Porsche cars inside and out. He has owned many Porsche cars over the years and can easily relate with his enthusiastic customers who are looking for high-performance upgrades. There’s hardly a situation presented by a customer that Don has not encountered in all his years with Porsche cars. Knowledge of engine hard parts and an ability to help customers through their projects have come to set Don apart in his field.
At EBS Racing, Don helps consult and dial in the parameters for each engine project. Give Don an outline and he can help layout a design based upon engine or budget needs. Don’s passion for Porsche cars, respect for their owners and hundreds of Porsche engine builds under his belt has made him the “go-to” guy for Porsche enthusiasts of all types everywhere.
EBS Racing provides racing and high-performance parts, engine-building advice and services, and development work for hard-core enthusiasts and racers around the world.
Troy Chapman / Sales & Warehouse Manager
Troy Chapman, a self-proclaimed “Harley guy”, is responsible for getting EBS Racing customers the best possible pricing on Porsche parts and accessories.
Since joining EBS Racing in 2005, Troy has called upon his vast Porsche parts knowledge in order to get the proper parts and accessories to customers the first time. Troy maintains that EBS Racing offers better products, services, and technical advice because of teamwork. “We’re always here. There’s not a big turnover at EBS because we’re all good friends and work as a team. Our customers can usually count on working with the same person year after year.”
A Navy veteran, Troy’s pre-EBS Racing employment was with Mercedes for four years, Super Shops High-Performance Racing, and with a Porsche dealer in parts and service.
For fun, Troy enjoys spending time on two wheels- his Harley Davidson Street Glide. No matter what state in the U.S. you’re calling from Troy has most likely been there on his Harley.
Marlo Seder / Accountant, Office Manager
Behind all the great men at EBS Racing is …Marlo Seder. Marlo says she was hired because of her unique personality which makes it possible for her to “handle a shop with all guys and one girl.” And in the EBS Racing shop, Marlo does everything from answering the phone to watering the plants to keeping the boys in line. She also manages to put her University of Nevada accounting degree to its intended purpose at EBS Racing.
To EBS Racing Marlo brings a background in the automotive industry which started with an after-school job at a Chevrolet dealership where she typed up the window stickers. This initial taste of the auto business developed into more dealership work and developing skills in warranty processing, parts inventory, and new vehicle processing.
Marlo also developed an appreciation for two-wheeled conveyances while working for Harley Davidson, and it was a Harley that took her to Sturgis, South Dakota on her honeymoon.